Show 161 – Valhalla Ubermod review and interview
Now Jon reviews Valhalla Ubermod wordpress plugin so we talk to the creator Sean Costello.

Valhalla Ubermod review and interview
Great dev. and terrific plugins.
Great show of course, gentlemen. Sean is among my personal favorite visitors to date. The Silence from the Lambs stuff cracked me up!
Here’s a phone call-to the listeners who’ve took in to all the shows: I believe it’s here we are at a HRS wiki. Recall the show number where Jon spoken about distortion plugins? Me neither. The titles within the archive section are useful, however with over 160 shows I believe we want something a bit more comprehensive. Who’s beside me?
RtCL (Ride the Chicken Lightning),
Hi Guys, great show, I’ve learned a lot from listening! However will have an issue, I personally use a Saffire Pro 40 plus a GNX4 to record my guitar/vocals. If you talk on the program you usually talk to recording sounds from amps using various microphones. After I record It’s my job to just plug in to the effects pedal, then in to the interface to trace rarely using my amps. Anything wrong with this? I simply think it is faster, cleaner also it appears to complete the job. Just time, searching toward your comments and suggestions.
If only so bad a 64 bits build of ValhallaFreqEcho, it’s an excellent delay! Great show guys!
freebies. this is actually the last day though. Awesome show, incidentally.
I believe the examples within this show are Awesome! Many thanks Jon… The dimension D sounds awesome, however i was excited through the Tape example following the Dim D…MAN another wordpress plugin everybody needs to get! JOE
Awesome show! Have to look at these Valhalla plug-ins and do a comparison to Waves’ equivalents, since I’ve got a coupon for waves plugins and am debating whether they’re well worth the money (even in a discounted rate).
Productive Week In My Life: Recording Podcasts ?
- Lavendaire: I just realized I recorded 11 podcast episodes in this video and the podcast launches on 11/11 ? Subscribe to the podcast now so you’ll get the episode on Sunday! Search The Lavendaire Lifestyle on iTunes / Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc.
- yashini suppayah: such an inspiring women you are to me Aileen!!! i love you for your personality so much!!!!!! i really wanna meet you in future!!!
- 알리야 로즈Alliah Rose: Oh. I thought when your recoding your podcast, your guest was with you too.
- zimtkopfliest: Your productivity…wow. I need to remember that’s okay not to be able to do this for me 🙂 One question: So you record most of the Podcasts with Skype or, for better quality, do you record your own questions, ask the other to record their answers and send it to you and then you go into editing it all together?
- Kesley Jones: Inspiration ?✨ all from you!
- Mmk Music: I love focusrite audio interface brand 🙂
- nobahle setlogelo: Hey! i love your channel and whole vibe, thank you for sharing. Do you think you could get into your podcast creation process or steps and how you go about recording your interviews? I’ve been battling with starting my podcast because i could not figure this one thing out? Just the software you use, how you interview, how you decided on subject matter etc. <3
- Matias Solomon: I like the content you put out on your channel, but do not take the next statement the wrong way, but I think you just as cute with and without makeup (natural look). I do like it. can I suggest another book, I think you may like. Your best year ever by Michael Hyatt
- Anggi Febriani: Hi Lavendaire Can I Request you to make how we can survive our fearness in relationship,cause sometimes I feel like Im so afraid to loose him.thankyou.
I hope you notice.
- Helen: By the way I’m a girl. Haaaaaa weird message
- Helen: Good job… Your voice is so pretty I like your voice and I enjoyed your video by the way it’s so amazing to see how hard you work and also show us your daily work I think its cool. I Like Everything About Youuuuuu:))))) can’t wait for your new and surprising video
- Joyful Living: I just started subscribing to your podcast, that’s gonna be awesome to listen to. I can’t believe how much you can manage to fit into your life.
- DreamerForever324: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Elysian Women: Your podcast has become apart of my morning routine. So much inspiration in everything you do Thank You
- Audy Bear: Yes !! Your podcast are so helpful, thank you to put so much effort into it ?
- 4:20am Podcast:
- Roxy James: Absolutely love all of your work! It’s so amazing thank you for sharing and can’t WAIT to listen to the new podcast season!! ?
- ciel222: Don’t let work BEAT you down Aileen , make sure you take enough rest. GREAT VIDEO and thanks for posting it
- HoaiMy45: Reaching closely for 1M subscribers…. keep going on!
- Bianca Star: cant wait to listen to your new episodes waah!!
- Nat Mansfield: I wake up, don’t know what to do and I freeze, procrastinate and get anxiety. You accomplish so much in 1 week, when you said you had interviewed 11 people in a week I couldn’t even fathom that being me. I don’t talk with anybody besides the people that lives with me. You are an inspiration, I just feel so far behind in every aspect of my life, I don’t know where to start.
- thebeautygirl79: i can’t wait to hear the new season of the podcast. your choice of guests & the interviews themselves always inspire with new bits of knowledge. i’m looking forward to hearing from you and these fabulous people in the coming weeks. thanks, Aileen!
- Надежда Сарафанникова: omg YOU’RE SO INSPIRING! thank you for your videos, I’m happy to be “a part” of your life ?❤️
- HOMESCIOUS by NENE MUNOZ: It’s amazing how much you inspire me!! I love how everything you do seems so effortlessly beautiful but as a recent content creator myself I now realize how much work takes to make all this!? I always learn something watching your videos so THANK YOU SO MUCH and please keep it going ‘cause your work helps to make social media a better place ??✨? Nene from Italy ??
- Winda Andarsita: U’re so smart using technology Elaine…
what is your educational background? Where u learn all of it?all what u do now…
- Galya Lee: Lavendaire , i very love you and yours videos ? hi from Russia?
- Jessica: how did you plan the editing for all of those podcasts? do you just take them one at a time?
- Ursula Weissfeld: OMG I can’t wait until the AmandaRachLee podcast, my two favorite YouTubers in one podcast, you and Amanda.
- Mazhar Hayat: This video helps me to prepare the best for my Quiz Competiton that is going to be on 20th NOV please pray for me.
- BecomingTia: COULD YOU MAKE A VIDEO on how you make time to relax but also work while being a full-time content creator? I’ve always been someone who has struggled with “balance”, because work and career seems like the #1 priority, but I know it’s just 1/7th of a full life. How do you allow yourself to take breaks? Also how do you determine which tasks are the most productive and will result in income, instead of doing busy work????
- BecomingTia: When I started listening to your podcast (back when you first launched it), I was drawn to your personal stories which is why I subscribed to it. I liked hearing your voice and hearing your story. While I enjoy listening to interviews on podcasts, I did feel like your personal opinions were missing from the interviews. I’m not sure if it’s because you’re an excellent listener, but hearing your personal opinions/reacts (the banter) to your interviewee would really draw me back to listening again.I’m excited for the Amanda podcast because she went to my high school and her success has been very inspiring to me. I would love more personal episodes from you, or just hearing you connect more with the interviewee. At 5:10 it looks like you’re heading that way in this season, so looking forward to it. 🙂
- Ohh Rainbow: Amazing!! It’s great to watch behind the scenes of how you create content
- //Sangay Wangchuk: beautiful i guess you dont like staying free,so energetic…
- Imane Chelioui: You are so good at makeup!
- Puja Joshi: Yipeee lovely
- Jo La: Great video. I want to say that, actually, tarot is absolutely mystical! I know it’s getting more popular, but the truth is that it’s a divination tool. Those are its roots and sadly with the popularisation of most things, the original meanings and intentions get diluted and eventually lost. This is what’s happening with tarot.
- Tiffany Lee: YaY!! I’m so excited for this new season!!
- Ash Cash: I am excited for the podcast! I am finally at a point where I can listen to the podcasts as they come out and maybe interact with other listeners.Thank you!
- Albie Knows: Talk about angel numbers! And I’m so glad you’ll be back on Sunday ?This was such in inspiration on podcasting and productivity and batching. You’re awesome!I’m launching a new podcast in 2019 and fun fact — I too record in our closet lol. After a huge clothing purge it made for the perfect studio lol. And Zencastr has been a dream to use! Now I just need to record a trailer for iTunes submissions lol.
- Pandak k: Realistic vlog ✨
- Erika Asuncion: Aileen! You amaze me!
- Angel Wan: How do you get so much energy even with jet lag?!?!
- Angel Wan: Such a busy bee!!
- Becca: Definitely, you are such an inspiration, I live in a very poor country where dreams are almost impossible but with your videos I feel that with effort you we can achieve our goals.. ?? Keep doing what you do?
- Win Zee T: I love watching behind the scenes! It makes me appreciate more of what creators do to present their art. Your discipline and determination inspires me ? take care and keep shining!
- Grace Lum: OMG OMG getting more in the video im so psyched youre interviewing MATT DEAVILLA! l love both ur videos and i listen to both ur podcasts!!
- Grace Lum: yayyyyyyy love listening to it to unwind and have some time to introspection time to just analyze myself and stuff and learn from ur posdcast
- J Medrano: I bought your artist of life workbook digital. I’m starting to write.. thank you for being such an inspiration. ?
- The Caprõbatica Show: Hi Aileen!INSPIRATIONAL!!! Thank you so much for sharing your raw journey of recording the #Lavendaire podcast! Your (behind-the-scenes) demystified the complexities and I really love your minimalistic yet SUPER efficient process! I was stoked the entire video and definitely learned a lot!!!Liked + Shared!Please keep shining and I’m sending you my highest (⚡ #Caprovibes ⚡), a SUPERNOVA of positivity!!!Celebrating You,
Largy (??♀️ #TheAcroGecko ?)
- Lisa Kim: The bit about standing up to record to keep your energy up was relatable and it was a cute and sweet moment of this blog!!! Made me smile!!! Keep up the good work!!!
- Calida: very cool~ I can’t believe you did 11 at once! that’s a lot of work! Jet lag from Asia traveling is the hardest to recover from… I always try to leave a week’s worth of freetime to recover for myself, otherwise I’ll be a zombie at work LOL
- Joyita Davis: I’m so excited for season four of the Lavendaire Lifestyle! And I loved watching how much work goes into recording and editing podcasts. I can’t wait to hear what you have in store for the podcast this season!
- Gala Darling: Yay! I hope people like our episode ?
- Cathy Lynn Pietranton: Wow it looks like a lot of hard work goes into what you do. you have to really be passionate about it to stick with it. thanks for sharing
- Mariela Merino: Can’t for your podcast with Matt! I love behind the scenes vlogs. I’d love to do podcasts one day that is my dream 🙂
- Reijane Costa: I’m looking forward to listen to the podcast, I can’t wait for it ??
- Samiha Khan: Omg omg a podcast with Amandarachlee!! This is so cool! She is my inspiration for bullet journals and you are my inspiration and angel for having a more peaceful and productive life ?♥️ this is too cool ..!
- Vivian Parreiras: Caption in Portuguese pleaseeee
- Reet’s Rituals: O god that’s too much work ?
- Adriana Girdler: So smart to record in the closet because of the clothing being like a soundproof. Also looks like a great app for recording. Cheers!
- Muhsina Khan: Wow you interviewed all my favorite youtubers! I m definitely going to listen to all of the episodes..loved this was quite inspiring xD
- Yola Vitaloka: I’m probably so late but I just know here that people don’t actually meet in person ? I thought you meet the person face to face. Love the video btw! It motivates me to be productive like no excuse ?
- Angel Pretot: One more excellent video! You did so much work in that week, I felt exhausted just watching this video.
It’ so cool you’re getting into tarot – I’m sure you’re gonna love it. I’ve been using tarot for years and they’re really fun to work with – also scary because they always tell the truth even when you don’t want to listen 😉
I would love it if you decide to make a video about them after you get familiar with them. I would be nice to hear your thoughts.
Also, getting inspired and then forgetting about it (or fearing that I will) is definitely one of my struggles, so if you make a video about how to avoid that, I would love it too 🙂
Keep up the good work!
- Xavier Moore: OMG Aileen, I just love watching videos of you being productive and getting stuff done! Seeing you accomplish all these goals and task (at such a natural state) gives me motivation to be productive and work towards my ideal life!Stay beautiful ?❤?
- Payal Patel: That’s such a hard work. Thanks for inspiring me <3
- amber chiu: Greeting from Taiwan !
May I ask which ancestral origins you are?
I’m very happy to see Asian youtuber become popular, proud of you!
- Kevin White Jr.: Aileen, awesome video, you are a hard working woman.Thank you for sharing your life. Aileen I have a question, what do you believe happens when you pass from this life to the next?
- Rocela Durazo Verdugo: I am here because of your podcast with Matt 🙂 Great to found your channel.
- Sofi Milovanović: I looooove your podcasts!! ??? they are soo Inspiring helpful and Amazing!! ?? Thank you!!! ???????????
- Cindy Webb: This was so interesting, I love these behind the scenes videos seeing your whole process. Never would have guessed you did them in a closet lol! Looking forward to the podcast!
- Ay: I just found your podcast and I was like this is exactly what I was looking for ? so inspiring ?
- Pamela Kwong: Congrats on finishing the podcasts! I can’t wait to hear the last season!
It’s funny but I am also on the search for tarot cards that speak to me. Still finding the right one…
- Siraj Raval: Love this, inspiring Aileen!
- Mark V: Thank you for sharing.
- Di Da: loved it
ps : the French phrase in your pajama’s mean “free like air ” not like a bird
loveeeeee uuu
- Artonique Nelson TV: i love your videos so much!
- Our fair vintage: I can’t believe i haven’t listened to your Podcasts! Do be honest I’m rather new to podcasts but but I can’t wait to put my headphones on and listen to your podcasts! ????
- Tinneihat Haokip: Aileen my girl? thanks for your new uploading video…u’re so informative anyway best of luck for your tommorow interview… u’ve sweet and soft voice.
- roedah: I love this- your channel is one of the few that has truly inspired me to put out content as well! It’s always so refreshing and calming to listen to your podcasts <3 can’t wait for more!
- binniebean: can’t wait to listen to your new podcast!
- Julian Chan: This makes me really motivated to jump out for productivity right now !!! Waiting for new podcast as well ?
- Ebony Jane Hensler: omg I loved this style of video! Didn’t know you had a podcast! Will defo be checking it out now! xxx
- Lovin Pvris: Yes!! So excited!!!!
- Paschal Walsh: “I’ve only eaten a banana today” ?.I left a review for you on iTunes. Loved this video blog style. Wishing you the best ✨
- Samira Milutzki: Please take it slow and don´t overwork youserlf.. The world needs you for the long run! <3
- Zubaer Chaudhari: Lavendaire you’re really always sooooo most very fun female YouTuber
- Momma Schmooze Homeschool Reviews: Wow! That’s a lot of work! It was fun being a fly on your wall!
- Alissa Smith: Ahh! Tarot is life! I hope you love that Fountain deck. Some other great decks are Golden Threads tarot and Sasuraibito tarot!
- Iris Tsai: Wow, You are so productive after your travel. 🙂 Can’t wait for your new podcast series!!!
- Hazel Anne: I Love the new artwork for the lavendaire podcast ?? wow, you are really amazing aileen!! Keep shining ✨
- mumu 17: OMG How hard you work. Love you
- it’s myself: What camera do u use
- Chia Vue: So glad your on Spotify too!!! Excited to start listening!
- haritha rajendran: Luv u so much aileen luv ur speaking style. Ur voice always brings some peace in my mind and I get calm.
- Adelede Aquino: More of this please! ???
- DJ D: So that’s why your podcasts sound so good ?
- Leandra Colon: Yay excited for u and all the great beautiful things u create u r totally inspiring!
- Lib: I loved getting this insight into your life! It’s inspiring to see how hard working and creative you are ✨ can’t wait to listen to the podcasts!
- Rianna Bixler: I have that deck! It was my second deck I got. She’s the only one I use now. Tarot is great for reflection, and when you’re in a rut and when you don’t want to ask someone else/others can’t seem to help you. But as my original tangent for a comment, I get how exhausting things can get, when you’re busy and an introvert. I’m so excited though. I had to question myself yesterday, because I knew you’re on break, but I all of a sudden was like “What’s been lacking in my usual routine?” and it donned on me, it was your Sunday uploads!