These Circuit-Bent Instruments and Sounds Are Merely Gorgeous #MusicMonday
Mention “circuit bending” and you’ll consider someone making unlistenable noise on the Speak & Spell they … broke. However in the grand tradition of Reed Ghazala, circuit bending often means instruments which have exquisitely mutated from vintage devices, resplendent in new paint and making bizarre but wonderful new sounds.

I suppose you are able to consider it as being the web site conservatory-trained woodwind quintet and … the seem of the first-grade music class playing individuals plastic recorders.
Ivo Ivanov is squarely within the master builder category. We are able to drool over his visually beautiful creations, within this gallery here.
Stop breadboarding and soldering – begin to make immediately! Adafruit’s Circuit Playground is jam-full of LEDs, sensors, buttons, alligator clip pads and much more. Build projects with Circuit Playground inside a couple of minutes using the drag-and-drop MakeCode programming site, learn information technology while using CS Breakthroughs class on, jump into CircuitPython to understand Python and hardware together, or perhaps use Arduino IDE. Circuit Playground Express may be the newest and finest Circuit Playground board, with support for MakeCode, CircuitPython, and Arduino. It features a effective processor, 10 NeoPixels, small speaker, InfraRed receive and transmit, two buttons, a switch, 14 alligator clip pads, and a lot of sensors: capacitive touch, IR closeness, temperature, light, motion and seem. An entire wide realm of electronics and coding is awaiting you, also it fits in the users hand of the hands.

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Maker Business — Bill Gross’s 7 training that will help you as well as your business succeed

Wearables — Create a firefly effect
Biohacking — The Exercise Link with Ketones and BDNF
Python for Microcontrollers — Python on hardware snakes its method to DesignerCon @circuitpython @micropython @ThePSF #Python @Adafruit #Adafruit