As Zerosum knows. I have been dabbling in circuit bending for any bit and it is time I begin to build Far more. The DIY familia blows my thoughts and you would be suprised in the shit you may create together with your bare hands and a few wire. Soon I will be releasing some modular synth modules in addition to a couple of guitar pedals as "EPINASTY ELEKTRONIX" For at this time, it's warm-up time with Speak and Math's in addition to Speak and Spell's. I am focusing on my site but you'll find so far projects there these days. The hyperlink is
The samples up for that speak and math are Prior to the cv in bend/ oscil8ter on/off.
I'll publish individuals samples up through the weekend. SICK SHIT FELLAZ. The FirOreight" jack around the upper left is perfect for cv/LFO directly into control the built-in OSC in addition to a sample trigger point simultaneously. Even the screw at the pinnacle right is another body contact for any couple of from the bends too. I am considering creating a small batch of those and can prolly choose $200 with shipping and a few custom paint and knob options incorporated too. Tell me if anybody has an interest. PEACE! and thank you for looking at items you all
The moment gratification of bending is actually awesome and also the options are endless.
Let me acquire some bent drum machines later on.
But these days, and for some time I must concentrate on other utilities first.
Body contact point and LFO/CV in. CHECK. Publish more clips tomorrow
Anybody happen to talk about and look for the clips from the bends? Just curious. Thanks guys!
i'd a conversaction with my speak & spell once, as i was bending it.
it provided good quality ideas.
i simply selected up a classic analog casiotone a few days ago, for bending.
it will be unfortunate to compromise up. its in near perfect condition, with hard situation.
most likely likely to seem just like a jerk, and definitely no offense intended whatsoever, i ought to most likely keep my mouth shut however in that situation you might question why i do not reply.
anyway awesome sounds and all sorts of that without a doubt. however for me, I have kinda had a wierd opinion of circuit bending. i kind of think it ought to be something which someone DOES, not at all something someone BUYS. I kinda believe that defeats the reason. there are many awesome noise tools you can get, such as the bugbrand weevil or even the thingamagoop or even the atari punk console, if a person uses a noisemaker
however i feel the action of circuit bending is about your way and none concerning the destination. the invention of funny bends or the way a circuit's flow goes. this is the fun. the end result following this journey has ended – a speak n' spell which makes farty noises or whatever, mmmm, ok. awesome for that creator, however i always think it is surprising that there's an industry for selling this stuff. i'd most likely market it too, when i wouldn't cash requirement for it after i was finished bending and perverting it
anyway not to remove out of this whatsoever – as lengthy when you are getting fun, do it now, and if you're able to make a little bit of cash from this, more capacity to ya! 8)
Honestly man To be sure 100% which explains why I began doing the work alongside happening ebay and purchasing stuff that individuals have bent. On a single token you will find individuals who dont have time to sit down and bend toys and merely have enough time to create music, plus they sure as hell would prefer to purchase something than allow it to be most time therefore. Me personaly. I'd rather cut costs even from synth modules any longer and merely build them. Have considered each year approximately. selling the majority of my frac and building my very own modular tower. But circuit bending can also be a skill. just like any painting or perhaps a fine hands created stone. these may also be relaxing in your studio with appreciation.
If anybody has an interest.. around the site underneath the S&M there's a brand new sick clip. it's known as "Speak Featuring CV in from the modular right into a Roland Tape echo"
Pretty frightening stuff. Peace everybody!
Good points, the two of you.
I have not become into circuit bending. I actually do possess a speak and browse hanging out, waiting that i can wreck havoc on its mind.
Incidentally, that Roland tape echo sounds great.
Anyway, I am headed off until Friday night. Adios.
The speaking teacher! My school class had one. If my recollections are right (this _was_ fifteen years ago), it may sound really awesome even without bends.
What drum machines are you currently searching for?
Heya! So far as drum machines. I simply selected up an Alesis HR-16, found some dood online that made that factor seem just like a syncopated demon screaming for whim. gotta do one up. I am likely to use 2 joysticks from NES powerpads for mixing bends quickly.
Okay. now, back upstairs to complete your body contact points around the S&M. Peace!
Ooooooooooh, so near to being carried out using the S&M. Gotta test the heart beat circuit I created to walk inside of her

Should also mount yet another pot and this ought to be REAL FUCKING INTERESTING as I have exhaust panel room. So, I'll publish the final and final pics up through the weekend hopefully with a lot more seem clips, this factor switched out totally rad. Even the body contacts work, I wrapped a large glob of copper wires around screws basicly. lol. Pretty awesome though because depending on how your main finger is around the screw and when it's wet. determines the pitch. Pretty neat to simply wallow in it having a garbled loop happening after which being stacatto'd with a CV sequencer. altering pitch together with your fingers.
Well anywhoo. l8ters everybody.
Hey congratulations man! 8)
Enjoy it!
Hello Everybody! Wooh. been busy. Browse the updated site. I altered the feel of the website in addition to added a couple of new projects. I additionally had T-shirt's composed and shortly stickers. If all goes well, I ought to possess the connect now.
Thanks a lot everybody for that support so far. Peace!
if anybody has forgotten it's
well im to stupid/lazy to bend myself (im bent enuff) as well as tho it might appear from the spirit from the affair im happy when any lunitic makes somthing which makes sounds

and anybody who provides a
stab in to the jugular of audio electronics
is extremely welcome in my opinion. just a little cracked (arent all of them) but very welcome
i've found most folk with soldering irons very peculiar lol
they ordinarily have rooms filled with bits of all kinds of old/damaged/usless gems
and accept there mums . a minimum of in england anyway.
TI Touch and Tell has become done, and it is up on the website with clips and photos
Man this factor spits out All Sorts Of GARBAGE. I have yet to publish the clips I made yesterday running CV in in the modular but. individuals clips are KILLER. FInal pics are as well. Incase anybody is simply too lazy. I'll publish an image for everyone to follow along with. Peace and thank you for peepin!
Thank for that support Muff, love the website man!
nutrients Luigi! Very awesome pic, thank you for posting it!
Appears like you're getting plenty of fun, we do hope you sell lots so that you can buy more toys to twist and mangle! 8)
Hello fellaz, I had been bored friday night and so i added 3 cv jacks to my EHX Memory Man pedal and tonight I recorded 3 clips of me screwing around by using it, merely a guitar moving in for that audio source. Pretty fucking whack. enjoy.
WRONGBOT- circuit bent Coleco Talking Teacher
- Tetrahedrony: Lookin' at this 9 years later, it sounds like 1st prize.
- Matthew Newlove: some great loops ! i like the idea of looping the letters seem to work great with the glitch bends
- 1nertiaticESP: this is the best bend of the talking teacher that i've ever seen. care to share the schematics? did you take a pic of the circuit board?? i'm working on one right now..
- Superpowerless: lol i love it
- thebarkpetition: Nice work. "Incorrect. Incorrect. Incorrect."