Thanks for visiting the sixth lesson from the Lead Guitar Quick-Start Series. Within this lesson, we’ll check out the very first important lead guitar technique: bending. Bending is among the ways that you could increase the expression for your lead playing guitar. We’ll be covering two kinds of bends within this lesson, beginning with half-step bends and getting to whole-step bends.
One factor you’ll notice when you initially start bending around the guitar is the fact that it’s pretty difficult on your fingers. It’s much like when you initially began understanding the guitar. It might take a few days for you personally fingers to get accustomed to it. Just proceed and it'll get simpler and also the discomfort goes away very quickly.
We’ll begin with the half-step bend. To create things simple, let’s stick to the minor pentatonic scale with this lesson. For any half-bend step, you need to push the string therefore the note becomes exactly the same pitch as you half-step greater, just like moving one fret greater in the fretboard. You should check how you’re doing by playing the note one fret greater and ensuring the pitch of the bend is identical.
A useful tip for bending strings is by using your available fingers behind the finger you're bending with that will help you push that string. Therefore if you’re making use of your third finger to bend the note, you can put your third and fourth fingers behind it on a single string to assist bend the string.
Let’s take particular notice in the actual manner of bending. You’ll notice your wrist will pivot a little, as well as your forearm moves a little using the movement. Discover the shocking truth for a good example of what this will seem like. Practice bending before you think it is feeling natural, and try to make sure you pitch.
Whole-step bends are tougher in your fingers. When you are performing these bigger bends you’ll certainly want to use other fingers to assist push the string up or lower. Once you’ve got the process for half-step and whole-step bends lower, you can test playing a few of the licks in the video. Once you’ve got used to used to individuals, you are able to pull-up the jam track and focus on playing along to music.
Don’t get frustrated whether it doesn’t seem perfect immediately. It requires time to develop the force inside your fingers and focus on what you can do to complement pitch. Within the next lesson, we’ll check out another essential lead guitar technique: Vibrato.
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When can you bend your knee after ACL surgery?
- Dr. David Geier: I'm excited to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please understand…I legally can't offer you specific medical advice to questions you leave in these comments. I can provide my insight on those questions and provide general information and education, though. If you leave a question below, I might answer it in an upcoming Ask Dr. Geier video!
- Ankit Gupta: Sir I had an acl reconstruction 2 month ago .. but I cannot bend my knee sir what should I do.. plss do say something .. does their is any fear about it
- mudasser shahdad: Hi Doctor,
I recently got my acl and meniscus surgert done on 20 oct my doctor adviced me not to bend my knee at all for 2 weeks as there was a sritch in my meniscus.
I started bending my knee 3 days ago and i can feel a lot of stifness in there. In 3 days i have achieved around 25 to 35 degrees. And my knee also pains a bit.Kindly advice.
- May M: Hello Doctor. My question is, can a knee recovering from ACL surgery with hamstring graft be PASSIVELY moved through its available range of motion of flexion and extension 5 days after the surgery?
- Veracious films: Hello David I have stretched my ACL but I am not able to straight my legs tighter or not able to contract it to the butt it’s feeling bit painful when I do .
I am able to walk but not properly I haven’t done mri my doc said to complete 3 weeks of medicinal course and apply knee belt what should I do to relief my pain do I have to do mri ..?
- Andres Montealegre: Hi Guys
I hope this is helpful I had my ACL SURGERY on oct 2 /18 my first couple of days were very painful but the pain gradually went a way I start PT tomorrow at two weeks I’m only using 1 crutches and after the first week I stop using the brace (please consult your Doctor before doing this) please use common sense and remember we are all different my goal is to go back and running at 4 months and playing soccer at 9 months btw I’m 46 and remember a great part of your success recovering is the physical therapy
Discipline will beat intelligence!!
Good luck to everyone going thru the same circumstances ??❤️
- stefano jagger: I'm 14 and I got surgery and it's been 2 weeks now and still with a brace, and the doctor says I shouldn't bend it. I really want to though because I'm so mad that I cant go to this theme park that everyone is going to and I can go but I wont be able to get on the rides, for example the roller coaster because I have to have my knee bent atleast a 60 degree angle at max, should I try working on bending my knee anyways?
- Domnik GS: Doctor I had an acl surgery 2 years ago but even now I feel my knee slips when subjected to a shock or a student motion but it's just a small slip and before a year my leg even twisted after the surgery and can't walk for 3 days why is that happening to me please give me the answer
- Akhil Chandran: Hello Doctor! I really have lot of questions running in my mind. I happened to undergo an ACL surgery on the left knee where the graft was from the hamstring. 5 years before i had an ACL surgery on my right knee where the graft was from the knee cap. 5 years back i was able to walk without knee braces atleast to a 95% due to a physio helping me get extension and complete bending of knee within a month but this time the doctor told me only concentrate on extension and i have achieved bending only till 90 deg and still walking with knee brace after 3 weeks of my surgery. Now my question is why is this difference?
- Arif: Hey up doc, i've had my acl, reconstruction + tenodesis with a meniscus repair.
it's been exactly 7 days today, but i still have a rather large hematoma from the middle of my patella to the mid right of my knee (right leg) it's the pressure from the hematoma preventing me to fully bend.
any suggestions for getting rid of the hematoma.
- ijaz 999: its been 2 months but i can't bend my knee more thn 100 degree is it natural….?
- Original Content: Things I learned when I had my acl replaced with a new one, and my meniscus repaired.
I ruined it playing soccer haha. It was my first surgery so I was a bit nervous. If you have an okay pain tolerance don't be worried post surgery just stay on top of meds. If you have a good surgeon it doesn't really hurt. I started doing exeriszes but the first 3 days were very hard. As a track athlete this was quite upsetting to see all my quad muscle just vanish. About day four was when I could start moving it to about 45 on my own. It was painful though. I didn't push it to much to be safe. After a week though I began to push it a bit more. I hung it off the side of my bed and held it with hands and slowly let it reach about 60 degrees. After 2 weeks I could mostly walk without a limp. I couldn't really use an acl brace because I was still swollen. I know it's scary but don't push to hard, your graph needs to heal. I didn't do physio I just kept active. They give you a lot of muscle exersizes but not to much stretching so make sure you stretch a bit and do it safely. Simple things like pulling it together a bit with your hands . About a month later it was feeling pretty normal but no muscle. Muscles stated to become defined around 3 months. 4 or 5 months after I could bring my foot back and touch my butt, however this is uncommon. It takes longer for most. I'm now 7 months and really aside of some cracking don't notice it. Bottom line, Don't be scared and push a little not a lot. But always push.
- Original Content: 7 months post surgery and I get cracking noises when I leave my knee bent for too long while lying down, when I go to straighten it. Anyone else have this?
- Anna Janssen: I had my surgery 6 days ago and I cannot get my knee to bend even 45 degrees due to stiffness weak quad. Reading other people can bend their knees got me really worried. What can I do and is there anything wrong??
- Richa Swamy: Doctor my right leg is not bending fully, i did my MRI scan and result is non stretchable fibrous band on my right thigh any treatment is available pls suggest
- james nelson: Hiya mate, I'm 2 weeks post op. I had my meniscus stitched as well as full ACL rebuild. I was in a splint for two weeks (unable to bend) and have just been put into a brace that allows my knee to bend only to 110°. Following my first physio session i can now get to about 80° without too much pain, can straighten my leg. First steps to a long recovery, hoping to be a 90° in the next week before my next session ?
- The Team Tech: Best way is Go with physiotherapist ! they are best .
- Victor Garcia: Hey dr .. I recently had Acl , Mcl and Lcl surgery on my left knee about two weeks ago but I didn’t start bending it until the second week started and have been bending it lil by lil each day . It feels really stiff but still bends with the help of my mom but I’m afraid that I can tear my rebuild ligaments.. what do you recommend? My surgeon told me at my last check up which was about 5 days ago that I should start bending it . That when I was in surgery they were able to bend it and that everything was okay . They expect me to be at 90’ degrees in two weeks but I have physical therapy on the 30th of this month . I’m afraid that by going to physical therapy they’re gonna wanna force my knee to do something that it’s not fully ready to do and damage my knee in some way .. I need help
- Ravinder chauhan: hamstring graft size was remain the unchanged..
But there is a growth in muscles and bones..
Can you clearify this…?
- metalgearstud1: What are the best ways to bend the knee aggressively and safely
- Anmol Gill: Sir my quadriceps muscle r really weak.. When will they develop
- Anmol Gill: Hlo sir.. I need ur help I got acl surgery on April 9..2018 but after 10 days I got infection but right now I'm okay but I'm not able to bend my knee fully after 2months
- Baemax 14: I just had my acl reconstruction surgery 3 days ago and I can easily go from 0 – 90 after day 2 but I am scared beyond my wits right now because I can't bend my knee for more than that. I am religiously following my physiotherapist's instructions and daily exercises. Is it too early for me to be panicking or am I screwed?
- Erik Bailey: I had a acl donor graft and bucket handle tear of my medial meniscus repaired back on 3-6-18. Pain started to ease up after day 6. My knee was locked in a brace for 2 weeks, now im in PT trying to get my 90 deg. flex. Problem im having is when i do my heel slides and get past 40 degrees flex i start to get sharp pain on the medial side of my knee. That's the only pain i experience right now. I'm walking with one crutch and able to walk fairly well.Doc thinks it might be some irritation from the meniscus repair. What concerns me is that i can touch the inner part of my knee and directly put my finger on the spot that hurts and push. ANd its the same spot that hurt prior to surgery. Does that sounds like a normal spot to have pain? and only in that location? if it wasn't for that pain i wouldn't have any.
- Ludi Boris: I have got fixed my ACL week and a half ago. My therpaist gave me some homework (exercises) that I do every hour, and in last two days I sit on my chair 3 times a day and bend my knee as fas as I can(more than 90 degrees), I do ususlly more than 20 reps.
I feel great, my knee doesn’t hurt at all, and it didn’t even a little since surgery.
I wonder when could I walk without crouches using only my brace and when could I start driving a car etc.
Expecting doctors answer. Thank you a lot. ?
- Rajesh Saha: I broke my femur Bone but Now my knee is not bending?
- dheeraj yadav: what should I do for OCD patella??