Circuit bending is the concept of modifying existing electronics products, most frequently toys, to produce other products, usually instruments. The practice is attracting an growing quantity of hobbyists, most likely a minimum of partly because of the growing quantity of electronic toys and gadgets available. In April 2004, New You are able to City located a circuit bending festival, known as "Bent." The festival featured how-to workshops and displays, together with a circuit bent concert series along with a Furby installation.
Reed Ghazala, referred to as father of circuit bending, created from the practice within the late 1960s. The then-adolescent Ghazala was inspired whenever a small, battery-operated amplifier in the desk drawer shorted out and started to create unearthly noises. Ghazala (quoted in Wired ) describes as soon as: "Immediately I figured — if the can occur accidentally, so what can happen by purpose? And when this may happen to a guitar amp, a circuit not supposed to create a seem by itself, what can happen should you did exactly the same factor to keyboards, radios and all sorts of other things that already constitutes a seem of some type?" Certainly one of Ghazala’s newest projects involves a womb-seem synthesizer made to soothe infants. After he’s carried out with it, the artisan claims, "It shall soothe forget about."
Reed Ghazala – Artifacts 1
- Ricardo Mujíca: ❤️
- alien junkyard: thank you so much for posting this !