The Uglyface effect is an oscillation based distortion/fuzz pedal with envelope controller designed by Tim Escobedo. It can do a wide varitey of off the wall sounds (laser guns, bagpipes, drones), and it has many different ways to modify the circuit. I’ll liked it so much I built it into one of my old junker guitars (details below).
This is the first Uglyface I’ve built. I built it into some crazy electronics box with huge heatsyncs on the sides. Seemed to fit the circuit some how lol. I did the standard controls of Volume, Threshold, Frequency, and Sensitivity, and added a mix control that worked ok.
I had this old guitar knocking around for a while, so I decided to mount an Uglyface inside of it. It has all the same controls as the pedal above, but I also added a Light Sensor with switch for controlling the frequency knob.