Underwater Keyboard
These acer notebooks produced by circuit bending a brand new kawasaki keyboard. It offers an integrated small sequencer, a pitch knob, an on and off switch for that pitch bends, along with a blue brought which activates a photograph cell that consequently reacts to interference shadows out of your fingers. This alters help out both radical and subtle ways. Noisicians will like it. 1/4 inch output.
Click below to download an mp3 track from my latest cd, "Ghosts," featuring this keyboard and many other circuit bent instruments :
Click Music around the Menu around the left to checkout "Ghosts."
What’s circuit bending?
Circuit bending is really a term created by Reed Ghazala for altering toys and economical instruments with techniques the makers never intended and creating new instruments, noise makers, etc. Take a look at Ghazala’s site, http://www.anti-theory.com for circuit bending how-to and also to purchase his exquisite instruments.
Below is really a gallery of a few of the instruments I have made previously couple of years. Most of them is going to be featured within my approaching records and performances.
Deep Barney Bends
This can be a wonderfully awful noise maker having a advanced look. We have an brought and photo resistor to trigger it, two switches that alter the seem and also the "song." Thankfully, it offers a mute switch.
Awesome sounds, awesome little lights. Designed a mess from it, but amazingly still it works.
Sampler inside a obvious situation.
This is made from a awesome little sampler from walmart, certainly one of individuals mirrors people mail to granny after some recording of the voice saying: "I really like youuuuuuuuu!"
Another sampler inside a obvious situation
My first really, and that’s why it is so. rough. Items of red balloon based in the Joshua Tree national forest incorporated.
Noodle Casio
Casio keyboard with a few great sounds. Added a few distortions into it.
Animal Bus
The infamous Ching-Cheng animal bus. That one is surely a christmas model, if you hit the underside buttons in error, it is going into what appears as an hour lengthy form of jingle bells, spiced track of several "Ho, Ho, Ho"s. Otherwise, it’s pretty great. Added singleOr4 inch out and a pair of knobs, pitch up and pitch lower.
The Dynamic Dual
I chose to make this using a couple of individuals little frame samplers. The play switch will get it to loop, that is awesome. Additionally there is a pitch knob which may be moved while recording also, creating interesting warbly effects. They’re separate from one another and something may be used to record another to create even lower fi effects. 1/4 inch outputs.
The Black Tar
A junky dual neck sample guitar. Added touch contacts that alter pitch and colored it also blacker.
Keyboard with Acrylic Ball
Another favorite little kawasaki keyboard. That one adorned by having an acrylic ball that covers a photograph cell controlling pitch. 1/4 inch output.
These little decorated childrens music boxes happen to be altered by removing a few of the tines to ensure that only a few notes from the original song play, developing a "new" and minimalist bit of music. Something like Phillip Glass with no glasses.
Another "robotically bent" music box, that one having a tv theme.
Orangino Keyboard
Added several glitches which work totally on the rhythms. Additionally a vibrato touch knob.
Happy Sampler
Another Little sampler, that one having a photo cell to manage pitch. 1/4 inch jack.
Silver Forest
Little animal sounds, musical interludes, awesome lights showing through silver paint along with a knob that pitches it way low.
Speakin Hell
Two momentary switches for momentary glitches. A distortion switch, a sentence glitch, a visit switch along with a reset switch. I have made more extensive versions, but I have discovered that less is much more with regards to this stuff. I such as this one a great deal.
Started up Phonics
Phonetic murmurs, twinkly tunes, some little animal sounds, low pitch knob, Darth Nader switch along with a necessary reset switch.
Juke Audit Meng
This can be a little sequencer toy with a few fairly retarded sounds that become interesting when pitched differently. I added a photograph resistor to change pitch, a glitch switch, reset switch along with a repeat button to help keep one seem looping. Very awesome.
Alphabet Sloop
Phonemes Pitched in interesting ways and radical distortion switches. I love these sounds a great deal.
Circuit Bending” />
Night time Train
Choo choo sounds triggered and pitched by touch. Creates some interesting spasmodic growly sounds.
Touch n Hell
This factor has a lot of bends: pitch knob, distortion knob, short loop, medium loop, 3 glitches, trip switch. Also, 5 switches switch the original card switches for convenience. Finally, it features a reset switch along with a 1/4 inch output. I personally use it having a trailer hitch ball to carry lower and loop pressure pad points or just with my hands.
Pitch pot, some glitch switches. A whole lot sounds within this toy.
Baby Animal
Pitch containers, reset switch, blue brought, contacts, 1/4 inch out.
Baby Music Box
Bioptronic Reverb
Megaphone delay having a pot controlling delay time, recased. Great dirty delay.
Odd Construction Toy
I do not think I’ll ever know why this little toy does what it really does. It produces what appears like completely random notes.
Chicco Train
Added contacts for pitch alteration only. Does not need other things, really.
:wrongbot: Circuit Bent Elmo’s World.
- Natalie Berry: underfell gaster
- One Fish Two Fish: I hope you don't mind me using this in a meme about the matrix, that three people might see.
- Alin Sergiu: 0:04 LOL
- Alin Sergiu: 0:02 h
- Damian Martinez: 0:32 He sounded like Pikachu
- Kristina Borrero: Elmo creepy
- RainbowVideoFX: 0:04
Mr Stark, i don't feel so good.
- Zzx zxz the great fire warrior: 0:29 wat
- * LunarCity *: I heard “ELMO WANTS TO SH*T!”
- LJ’s World: 0:38 Elmo Wants S#*%
- Asdfguy86: this video freaked me the fuck out as a little kid and it came back into my recommended NICE
- Caden James Londonio: 0:38 elmo wants
- dragonpro 20: can we not summon satan please?
- Raspberry Dragon: THE HELL?
- Happy Angel: kids favrote songs 2
- Natalie Berry: chapter 2 elmo's eye is out 0:31
- Victor Marczak: 0:00 Five Nights at Freddy's in a nutshell
- GHB: 0:39 elmo wants to *censored*.
- Ty Hill Broussard: It's like there's no connection to the toy
- Fordlover 76: @ 0:38 Watch your mouth Elmo!
- High Gamer: Elmo wants to suck cock
- Natalie Berry: elmo killer glitch?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 0:42
- Natalie Berry: elmo's eye is peeking out 0:32
- ちゃんねるこた: H
- Christiano Dufresne: Cycolpe elmo
- Natalie Berry: ELMO SAY M&M'S?!?!?!!?!?!?!!? 🙂
- Natalie Berry: 1:22 FREDDY KILLER COME'S OUT
- Natalie Berry: 0:39 ?????????????????????????????????????????? >:)
- Natalie Berry: 0:84 ELMO'S EVIL >:d %$^#&^#^&yhgw#tft$%$$
- Natalie Berry: ?:?? &$^&$#%&^%$#&%($#^
- Natalie Berry: 1:00 y^$gferg^$%ferwgerf$dx#$dews
- Natalie Berry: elmos evil
- Natalie Berry: elmo is scary bloods comeing out
- Natalie Berry: elmo get angry wen you touch his niple and penis lol
- Natalie Berry: D;>
Elmo wants to P L AY
- Smiley S: *Elmo glitch beep seizures*
- ThePikachuFan99: 0:38 Elmo wants censored
- jakethegoaninater900 videos: 2009 is the year I was born!
- xXWolfyZPetWolfXx: How You **
- xXWolfyZPetWolfXx: what’s next…
- xXWolfyZPetWolfXx: Should I Watch in 2018?
- Šárka Pášová: elmo: keep going pop that balloon cookie monster: om nom nom nom
- Tetrahedrony: Is it bad that I enjoy watching circuit bent toys?
- Raov: 0:29 floppy drive music for a moment there lol
- Victor Arriaga: 0:30 elmo is on trash bin
- Victor Arriaga: 0:02 cookie monster ate elmo
- nikytiky TM: This give a nightmare xd
- Victor Manuel Rodriguez Vega: 0:40
Elmo: Elmo Wants Poops!
- Jason Chicko: what the f***
- RobloxFan Productions2008: The Screen Looks Like It's on A Gameboy Or Something.
- David Mignault: Is this real
- Lucas Pires: 0:13 Elmo:- Im rebeca Im rebeca i im rebeca im rebeca i
High pitched voice:
Im Rebeca
Cokkie monster:- Om nom bom nom nom
- Eggs & Toast Productions: Elmo wants ***********************
- Hilda Gallardo: Glitches
- ThatWord Jr: What even is the original game?!???
- Rhyton Meme: The Places The Buttons Were Put
- Quinn: 0:13 ELMO IS A GACHA
- Kevin FanHD1027: OM NO 29WU72 OM
- ScoutBoy5925 VGCP: 0:14 omle
- Pencil BFB: Corruption Stockpiles: TOY EDITION
- Its Funneh: Elmo.exe has stopped working ???
- Noice Memes: He has nips
- Jennifer Reykdal: 0:14
- ScoutBoy5925 VGCP: 0:25 elmo's done
- ScoutBoy5925 VGCP: 0:30 weird moment
- ScoutBoy5925 VGCP: 0:03 "elmo goes crazy"
- Parappain: 0:38 Elmo wants CENSORED
- Rachel Nespor: Do A Digimon Season 3 Circuit Bent Toy! Either D Power Or Interactive Guilmon Is Ok.
- Rachel Nespor: Do A Circuit Bent Digimon Season 3 Toy Like Interactive Guilmon Next!
- WinXP 2006: elmo wants f**k
- this person loves maxie: doki doki in a nutshell
- Awes: ytp
- Pastel The edgy_bean: Doki Doki literature club in a nutshell
- Taxo Maxo: 0:42 why is Elmo a demon
- Furbtastic Fun: 0:14 cyclops Elmo!
- Qualaun Caffee: ELMO WANTS TO SHARE
- Karate Joe: What toy is that
- Kirby Fan Tyler: I HAD THIS DAM TOY WHEN I WAS 5
- Mary Champion: Oh god this is creepy
- Guy Manuel: No more Elmo's world >:)
- Schmoo McRoo: Elmo.exe
- Pokémon Tales: YouTube Poops in real life since 2006.
- Great value bleach: Elmos overdose
- Japan neko: O O
- Quartz The Animator: the demon of sesame street 0:13
- mikehunpvp: 0:38 Elmo want to f**k
- Scoot: 0:14 that's the best thing I've ever seen oml-
- TaffyTriesToAnimate: Bill cipher Is back
- The Real RockJule: am I the only one who heard at 0:31 elmo say either Elmo's a boy or Elmo's a toy?
- CrispyMeow3000: And you had to put those pushbuttons there…….. ?