Patient Alpha Circuit Bending Package
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Born within the 80s, Patient Alpha came looking for a twenty-first century update. If you are interested in circuit bending, this keychain noise machine is simple to get involved with, and it has some depth to understand more about.
Once the procedure is complete, turning the knob varies the speed of playback for every type of crazy sounds.

The package includes:
Keychain w/ batteries
Big red knob
Four resistors resistors
Headphone out jack
Curious Seem Objects button
Tools needed: soldering iron essential, dremel tool a powerful plus.
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A relevant video published by Curious Seem Objects (@curioussoundobjects) on Jan 11, 2016 at 11:50am PST
Are you currently interested in circuit bent seem? Patient Alpha needs your attention. $19.89 DIY package Special edition of 100 currently available. Orders placed by December 15th is going to be received by December 24th.
Patient Alphas
by buddies of Curious Seem Objects
The Marcelo
Matte grey body, blue guttons, crimson grill.
Side knob. By Marcelo Coelho and John Rossa
Black body, lime eco-friendly grill/buttons, uncovered potentiometer, headphone out, and also the Slimer mod (touching the uncovered circuit on top left slows the seem way lower). By Kool Teem
White-colored body, gold buttons, crimson grill
by Victoria Cabot and David Cranor
Night Mode
An all-black costume, custom laser cut knob
by Victoria Cabot

Summary of Circuit Bending
using the Patient Alpha
So what can I bend?
You’ll find which areas of the board are bendable by licking your finger! Open battery power powered tool and operate a finger over various areas of the board while triggering a seem. Within this situation, the board is super easy and there’s one resistor right from the black blob which makes the individual squirm. The eight pads are suitable for the buttons, and you have to push all of them with something metal to create that connection – tweezers could be fiddly. I made use of a finger covered with foil next, and eventually some foil recorded around the foot of something.

Vary that resistor
Poking around together with your slightly wet (or aluminum foil covered) finger changes the way in which electricity flows through and round the components inside a circuit. You can reverse engineer a circuit to some extent, but it is faster and much more fun when circuit bending to poke around and find out which components make interesting sounds happen.
That small factor using the figures is really a surface mount resistor. I observed that whenever I touched the resistor, the seem would accelerate or slow lower. Making me believe that this resistor belongs to the actual oscillator for that seem circuit. Appears like we found our first organ to exchange!
Resistors are rated in ohms, which resistor is 220k. You are able to determine this in the figures – the very first two figures multiplied by 10 to the strength of the 3rd number.
Within this situation, 224 is:
22 occasions 10 to the strength of 4 = 220,000 or 220 kilo ohms.
So we will replace that resistor having a potentiometer (a flexible resistor) and find out what goes on?
The Simple Peasy Mod
Begin by taking out the original resistor.
The potentiometer that is included with the package is 100k and soldering it in to the previous resistor terminals (1) and (2) creates a clear -100k range, which sounds kind of "fast" to "superfast." This is effective.
Plugging it into terminals (1), (2), and (3 – power), does some kind of voodoo and ranges from superfast at the very top, lower to slow, a hair of superslow, then dead space at the end. This may also drain battery. So not advisable, but it’s fun to determine the entire range.
If you wish to do that easy mod, only use (1) and (2) and bend the 3rd pot terminal lower. It will likely be fun, but you will get more slow finish along with other mods.
Circuit bent Sk-1 in progress…
- latheringmyselfup: what's the thing on top?
- salamanderanagram: the sweetest part is that the pot in the lower left-hand corner is actually a variable capacitor, something i've never found anywhere else, but it gives some interesting effects when you send a pitch bend thru it.
- organfairy: A bridge. That explains the huge scale on the front.
- salamanderanagram: it purports to be a "bridge and signal tracer" made by superior instruments company.
beyond that i have no idea
- organfairy: What is that box? It looks like an old laboratory sine generator.
- salamanderanagram: well, they ain't cheap, but i am always available for custom work. this one's cost me over $100 in parts alone and took 2 days of my time, to give you an idea (i could do it much faster next time).. but you can message me if you have something specific in mind, otherwise, i can usually be pried away from anything you see in a video here… 🙂
- MarsHottentot: Wow, I have no idea!
What I THOUGHT I wrote was 'If you ever need to SELL'. I have no clue where 'send in' came from. Sorry!
- salamanderanagram: ?? sorry i don't understand. send in on what?
- MarsHottentot: Awesome!
If you ever need to send in on in the future….
Lemme know!!
- salamanderanagram: great
thanks a lot!
- softfreak: blogged on sendling-info.blogspot