Junkyard Jam Band by David Erik Nelson

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Junkyard Jam Band by David Erik Nelson Father of Circuit Bending

7 Circuit Bending for novices

The Slinkiphone (Project 1) and Scratchbox (Project 5) hint in a fundamental truth from the modern day: there are numerous really neat sounds hiding within your toys and electronic devices. Opening cheap electronics and feasting around the sonic goo within is known as circuit bending. This type of exploration was pioneered by artist Reed Ghazala, the “Father of Circuit Bending,” who happened across his first bends like a teen within the mid-1960s. Ghazala has tirelessly promoted the creative potential of musically upcycling electronic devices since. Within this project, you’ll get the ft wet with three entry-level bends.

Junkyard Jam Band by David Erik Nelson potential of musically

Thrift stores, yard sales, and remainder bins are filled with electronic toys ripe for exploration. .

Millbeatz Entertainment Classic 60’s riddim Ronnie+Zan- Good Morning